British English
----- Have breakfast
----- Have lunch
----- Have dinner
----- Have supper
American English
----- Eat breakfast
----- Eat lunch
----- Eat dinner
----- Eat late Dinner
How to turn rich content and inline images on or off for BlackBerry smartphone users
The BlackBerry Enterprise Server can be configured to turn rich content and inline images on or off for groups of BlackBerry smartphone users or for an individual BlackBerry smartphone user. When rich text formatting is turned off,the BlackBerry Enterprise Server sends all email messages in plain text format rather than RTF or HTML format. It is possible to allow specific BlackBerry smartphone users to request inline images manually. Turning off rich content formatting and inline images reduces resource consumption on the computers that are running the messaging server,the BlackBerry Attachment Service, and BlackBerry® Mobile Data System services.
How to turn off rich content and inline images:
The following procedures outline how to turn off rich content and inline images for groups of BlackBerry smartphoneusers or individual BlackBerry smartphone users.
Groups of BlackBerry smartphone users
1. In the left pane of BlackBerry Manager, select a BlackBerry Enterprise Server.
2. On the Server Configuration tab, click Edit Properties.
3. Click Messaging.
4. In the Messaging Options section, perform one of the following actions:
----*To turn off rich content formatting, click Rich Content Enabled. In the drop-down list, click False.
----*To turn off inline images, click Inline Images Enabled. In the drop-down list, click False.
5. Click OK.
Individual BlackBerry smartphone users
1. In the left pane of BlackBerry Manager, click BlackBerry Domain.
2. On the Global tab, click Edit Properties.
3. In the list of IT policies, select an IT policy.
4. Click Properties.
5. In the Email Messaging policy group section, perform one of the following actions:
---*To turn off rich content formatting, click Disable Rich Content Email. In the drop-down list, click True.
---*To turn off inline images, click Inline Content Requests. In the drop-down list, click Disabled.
6. Click OK.
For more information, see the BlackBerry Enterprise Server version 4.1 Service Pack 6: Administration Guide for the appropriate messaging server.
How to turn on rich content and inline images:
The following procedures outline how to turn on rich content and inline images for an individual BlackBerry smartphone user.
Task 1
Make sure that BlackBerry Enterprise Server 4.1 SP6 or later is installed.
Task 2
Check the following settings on BlackBerry Manager to make sure that the BlackBerry Enterprise Server is configured to allow the HTML email options to be configured on the BlackBerry smartphone:
1. In the left pane of BlackBerry Manager, select a BlackBerry Enterprise Server.
2. On the Server Configuration tab, click Edit Properties.
3. Click Messaging.
4. In the Messaging Options section, perform one of the following actions:
---*To turn on rich content formatting, click Rich Content Enabled. In the drop-down list, click True.
---*To turn on inline images, click Inline Images Enabled. In the drop-down list, click True.
5. Click OK.
Note: After checking Task 1 and 2, if you are still unable to find the option for HTML email on the BlackBerry smartphone, delete and resend the Desktop CMIME service book.
BlackBerry® Enterprise Server 4.1 SP6 for IBM® Lotus® Domino®
BlackBerry® Enterprise Server 4.1 SP6 for Microsoft® Exchange
BlackBerry® Device Software 4.2 to 4.7
OTA : http://www.blackberry.com/windowslivemessenger
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2. File --> Application --> Properties.